Beautiful, Interesting and Ooo Shiny! Images From Various Places

Did That Statue Just Move?

Location: Germany
Camera info: Fuji Finepix A303 / Automatic Point & Shoot
ISO 100 • f 2.8 • 1/340 sec

I saw several tourists get scared half to death by these guys. The “Living Statues” of Europe have found an interesting art form that makes decent money, but it takes hard work! These street performers cover themselves with loads of body paint, then stand motionless for hours. Some like to surprise tourists when they aren’t paying attention. Others will perform an act when someone donates money, like this guy in Munich is doing. Some work in tandem, interacting with each other. Others only move when someone pays attention to them.

There’s no limit to what kinds of costumes or poses these actors come up with! On the Marienplatz, I saw this silver dude who tipped his hat at passers-by, and a lady all in white who became a working water fountain (try to figure that one out!). Around Europe and in some other parts of the world, there are many other examples. Apparently a group of these actors also frequents areas in New York City. One Spanish guy, called StaticMan, even held the Guinness World Record for motionlessness from 1988-1997 after standing still for more than 15 hours. I think that gives a new definition to hard work!

Have you ever seen one of these statue actors? What’s your opinion: is it art or just another way to make money off tourists? Let’s hear your thoughts!

4 responses

  1. When Valerie and I went to Poland Spring Break 2003, we saw these statue mimes in Krakow. I really enjoyed watching them watch us. Kinda weird, huh?

    April 8, 2011 at 8:02 pm

    • Hahaha. How long did it take to get him to blink?

      April 12, 2011 at 11:16 pm

  2. Pingback: Holy Flying Christ! It’s ArtPrize! « Freaking Awesome

  3. Pingback: Nicole’s Top 10 (and then some!) « Pictures Around the World

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